Find Money Today, at FindMoneyToday.com, is a payday lender that allows customers to borrow enough to cover their expenses now, and then pay it back once they receive their next paycheck.
Find Money Today is one of the newest short term loan sources operating within the United States. A short term loan is intended to be a small, manageable amount of money which the borrower can quickly pay back, often within a period of 2-4 weeks.
To apply for a short term loan with Find Money Today, you simply need to fill out their short application which requires you to state what you would like to borrow, from $100-$500+ without a specified limit, as well as your employment and bank account information.
Once you have completed your application, FindMoneyToday.com will match you with a lender in your area. After you’ve been matched, you should carefully review the loan terms and then decide to agree or reject the loan. Once you agree, the money will be wired directly into your bank account within the next 24 hours.
While payday loans are heavily criticized for creating more financial problems than they solve, Find Money Today lists a selection of statistics supporting why people should consider a payday loan over other options.
Their main argument is that a payday loan which is paid back within the agreed upon time frame is less costly than missing a credit card payment or bouncing a check. But it is important to borrow only as much as you can quickly pay back.